The virtual program of Black Voices offers your community’s people of color the opportunity to tell their stories through both language and self-made movement. Designed for all bodies, Black Voices asks them to share personal narratives about life, racism, the pandemic, inequality, freedom, solitude and separation, resilience, achievements, defeats, or anything significant for each participant.
Presenters will ask their communities of color to submit their stories, ten of which will be selected to be translated into self-made dances. The authors of the stories will work in one- on-one on-line sessions with Rafael Palacios to create a 3 minutes dance/movement that will ultimately be performed in a live streaming event. Palacios will guide the writers through the process of translating the emotion and meaning of their written personal stories into movement.
Presenters may create an archive of all stories submitted, accessible to their audiences for download, and to have a Q&A or pre-performance talk with Rafael Palacios about racism in Latin America and Palacios’ practice of dance as a form of resistance and resilience.